About Us

Rev. Dr. Fr. Paul A.F. Castellano, St. Andrew’s Curate

Reverend Father Paul A. F. Castellano, MAR, MA, ThM, Ph.D., and Ph.D. (ABD), is an Anglican Priest and Curate at St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church in Atmore, Alabama. (St. Michael’s Mission and St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church are part of the Anglican Catholic Church, Diocese of New Orleans). 

Originally from Manhattan, N.Y. he has lived all over the U.S. as well as various foreign countries, spending the last 41 years based in Southern California with his beautiful wife Benita and stepdaughter Ashley.

A young liberal in the 60’s who attempted to travel to Woodstock and protest the Vietnam War, he enlisted into the military – out of necessity – and lived in various Socialist Countries for over 4 years. This led Fr Paul to become a very strong Conservative. 

Fr Paul’s quote concerning Socialism – “Socialism of any kind can only thrive as a parasitical element on democratic capitalism. Socialism is cancerous, destructive, and inherently unfair and racist! Socialism is now and always has been our domestic enemy! Our current cultural situation has become extremely toxic with the constant and overwhelming implementation of Leftist Marxism – now labelled “Wokeness”, being forced upon us.”  “Tyranny on steroids.”

At the age of 2, Fr Paul began performing in theater under the tutelage of his grandmother, a child actress in the Our Gang Comedies. (Hal Roach)

Fr. Castellano began studying the martial arts at age 12, choosing Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Hwa Rrang Do, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and boxing. He has a black belt in Shotokan and a Red Black Stripe 1 in Jang Mu Won Hapkido and is currently preparing to test for black belt.

Fr. Paul’s work history includes – 911 Dispatching for 10 years as well as being a Director of Customer Service before entering full-time Ordained Ministry.  

Fr. Castellano has engaged in post graduate work at the University of Strasbourg, France and PhD work at North West University – Potchefstroom Campus – as well as South African Theological Seminary. 

He was raised in the Roman Catholic faith and became theologically aware as a Presbyterian, which lead him to become a High Church Anglican Calvinist and to pursue ordination.

Fr Paul’s ministry in the Continuing Anglican Movement began over 30 years ago, and includes ministries in AZ, CA, NC, and now Alabama. Additionally, he has instructed at two different graduate institutes within the Continuing Anglican Church Seminaries. 

His educational history includes:

B.A., M.A. (Philosophy) from CSULB and CSULA respectively;

M.A. in Religion from WTS/C;

Th.M, PhD. In Ecclesiastical Theology from St. Andrews Theological College and Seminary.

Fr Paul is currently working on his second Ph.D. at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 

He is also a published author having written, “As it is in HeavenA Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship.” Here is the link for his book. 

Fr. Paul is experienced in grief counseling having experienced, among numerous personal tragedies, 3 sons who died before their 30th birthdays.

More than anything else, Fr Paul is a humble and grateful priest, devoted husband, father, passionate New York Rangers hockey and New York Yankees baseball fan.  He is easily approachable and has a wonderfully quick sense of humor as well as a talented singing voice, as well as having played bass and rhythm guitar in two bands.

Fr’s Paul and Keith share over 20 years of friendship and after having worked together in previous Anglican churches, are both very happy in acknowledging Our Lord’s call to work together in His Vineyard again! 

St. Andrew’s Vestry

Mrs. Laurie Schulze

Mrs. Laurie Schulze is the Treasurer for both St. Michael’s Mission and St. Andrew’s, and one of our “Go-To” people for just about everything! Laurie assisted our church in prepping for and attending the Spring Flower Festival and the St. Francis Pet Blessings at both churches! Her taste in eye-catching give-away items is remarkable! She’s one of kind and a friend you’ll be so proud to have

Mrs. Heather Stone

Mrs. Heather Stone is St. Michael’s and now St. Andrew’s Secretary, Co-Musical Director and our Key Soloist Singer! Heather selects the hymns for each service and has learned the unique Continuing Anglican Service Music and with Mr. Randy Adams leads the congregation in responsive singing. Mrs. Stone frequently sings a solo just before the Homily or Sermon is presented. Heather is also working to add more beautiful voices to our service and is the Sunday School Teacher for the younger group!