Welcome to St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church in Atmore!

St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church is part of the Anglican Catholic Church, a worldwide body of Catholic Christians, worshipping in the Anglican tradition.

Many people read or hear the word “catholic” and immediately think “all Catholic churches and all Catholic people are part of the Roman Catholic Church!”  – NOT TRUE! Believe it or Not — You might really be “Catholic!”

CATHOLIC? …… I don’t think so! What does “Catholic” mean anyway?

The original definition of the word “Catholic” belongs to St. Vincent of Lerins, who created the word “Catholic” and his definition was “what has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.”  A lot has happened since the 5th century (when St. Vincent created this word) – the biggest part of what’s happened is – people stopped looking up the definition of “catholic” because we happily convinced ourselves that we KNEW what “catholic” meant! Most of us thought “Catholic” only meant being members of the Roman Catholic Church — Turns out we were wrong!

Simply put – “Catholic” means being a Christian, who recognizes and believes what was originally taught by Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Apostles!  There’s quite a bit to know – but it’s not nearly as huge and never-ending or even as different as you may think!

The word “Catholic” was originally created to mean “Universal Believers of Jesus the Christ – the Son of God – His teaching and ALL PEOPLE who believe”

Wanna find out if you’re “Catholic”?

Click on the “Catholic?” Menu tab on the top of this page to learn a little about yourself!

Come and join us in worship at St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church!!

St. Andrew’s Anglican Catholic Church, 1101 S. Presley St. Atmore, AL

1101 S. Presley Street, Atmore, AL

Worship Services every Sunday Morning at 11:00AM!!

The Celebration of Holy Mass or Holy Eucharist begins at 11:00 AM Every Sunday

Click Here to learn about the Anglican Catholic Church

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